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Why Obama WILL NOT Go Down as One of the Greatest Presidents of All Time
This response to a GQ article was written in August of 2016 and saved for President Obama’s farewell speech for maximum effect. Sadly,...

GLORIFIED FACEBOOK RANT: A Political Pact for the Ages Edition
Here's an interesting idea that could have the potential to make us all a little happier, or at least less angry, come election time this...

The Concept of Political Parties Continues to Befuddle the Average Voter
The shrill cries of the perpetually aggrieved supporters of Bernie Sanders can be heard in every corner of the internet these days,...

2A vs. the Government
An oft mentioned talking point for gun control enthusiasts is this idea that the second amendment is no longer relevant as a protection...

GLORIFIED FACEBOOK RANT: Puerto Rican Debt Crisis Edition
I can't believe no one is talking about the Puerto Rican debt crisis!!! Okay well, with the election going on and all, maybe I can...

Mr. Sanders goes to the Vatican (Hypocrisy Ensues)
It would be exceedingly difficult to overstate the absurdity of this presidential election cycle. The past few months have felt like...

Endorsing Extreme Environmentalist Tropes Means Eschewing Human Progress
Human beings have never been very adept at making upfront sacrifices in order to effectuate a brighter future. However, I would contend...

Redefining Words into Oblivion
From the IRS Website: Definition of an Employee: “Under common-law rules, anyone who performs services for you is your employee if you...

A GOP in Shambles
Recently, many writers and political pundits have likened Donald Trump’s electoral usurpation of the GOP’s political apparatus to Victor...

Hillary Clinton Thinks YOU are an Idiot
We should all be offended. Unless of course you don’t take umbrage with being called a moron, in which case, this article probably isn’t...
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